With these interpretations, we do not believe an OSHA Instruction STD is necessary. When information is contained in bookform, a way of complying with these provisions would be to provide a bookholder designed to keep the book open to the relevant page(s), and located so as to be visible to the operator while at the control station. However, this interpretation does not change the need to have the relevant instructions, warnings and load rating charts for a lift 'visible to the operator' as required by. ' are met when the required information is contained in a notebook securely attached to the interior of the crane cab, such as by the use of a lanyard. 550(a)(2), '.shall be conspicuously posted. Consequently, it is our interpretation that the posting requirements of. radius 72 m Number of axles 5 HVO fuel Add to list Compare Whats inside Lots on board: The crane can carry 9 t / 19,800 lb of ballast with an axle load of 12 t / 26,450 lb. We agree with your statement that the crane industry is currently supplying information, including load charts, in a manner different than what was done and acceptable to OSHA in the past.
This is in response to your August 14 memorandum in which you request clarification of the load chart posting and visibility requirements for mobile cranes.